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Reasons To Use Fishing Lures Instead Of Live Bait

Before you leave for a fishing outing, one of the topics that you need to consider is what tackle you'll affix to the end of your line. The two main options are lures and live bait. There are plenty of advantages of using live bait, but it's a good idea to evaluate the merits of lures, too. A lure that has a design that is particularly attractive to a certain type of fish can make the lure irresistible — resulting in you being able to hook the fish and reel it into your boat. Here are three reasons that you might favor lures instead of live bait.

Lures Are Good If You're Squeamish

One of the things that people don't like about using live bait is that you have to skewer the bait — typically a worm or a minnow — onto the end of your hook. While some anglers have little trouble with this process, others can feel a bit squeamish. You may be in the latter group and feel that having to handle live bait could partly decrease your enjoyment of the outing. In this case, you'll want to use fishing lures instead. You'll have no issue affixing a lure to your fishing line.

You Won't Run Out Of Lures

Another issue with using live bait is that you can sometimes run out. For example, even if you buy a container of a dozen or more worms for your day of fishing, you can go through them quickly. You might lose a worm each time that a fish bites your hook — even if you aren't able to get the fish up to the side of the boat. Sometimes, live bait can slip off your hook while you're trolling. Running out of live bait will either end your day early or force you to go buy more. While you can occasionally lose a lure when you hook it on a stump, the likelihood of losing more than a few in a day is very low.

Live Bait Can Get Pricey

Generally, buying a small container of worms doesn't cost a lot. However, if you fish frequently, you might be concerned about how much money you spend on live bait over the course of the season. This can especially be true if you occasionally fish with people who use your live bait. Conversely, you can often buy lots of fishing lures very affordably, and their longevity can make them a budget-friendly option. Look for a shop in your area or online for the right fishing equipment.
